The Royal Palace of Milan, in Piazza Duomo, has always hosted exhibitions, art installations and experiences created by famous and talented artists. There are three currently, but not for long. The advice is to hurry, because they are unrepeatable and unmissable occasions.

Journey into the Great Beyond. Tutankhamon RealExperience

Journey into the Great Beyond. Tutankhamon RealExperience

Journey into the Great Beyond is an experience dedicated to the passage into the underworld of Tutankhamun, the best known pharaoh of ancient Egypt. It is structured in two main steps. The first one is an actual exhibition, with authentic archaeological finds from Egyptian funeral kits (including a 7-meter papyrus). The second one is entirely virtual; the video installations offer an evocative immersion in the cult of the underworld, telling the pharaoh’s journey in every phase. The experience was extended until 18.10.2020.

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Out of the blue. 从天 而降 A Calligraphic Journey through Alcantara

Out of the blue tells the ancient tradition of Chinese calligraphy, which reaches the modernity and dialogues with it. Six internationally renowned Chinese artists take up this ancient heritage and transmit it to the most innovative technologies, using modern materials as support. The installation ranges from digital projections to works executed with ink, projecting the art of handwriting from the past to the future. The exhibition is completely free, after reservation and will be set up until 11.10.2020.

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Prima, donna. Margaret Bourke-White

Prima, donna. Margaret Bourke-White

Prima, donna (First, woman) is an exhibition dedicated to Margaret Bourke-White, presented not only as a professional photojournalist, but telling her great personality. Among other works, there are some of her great photos witnessing events of the World War II, narrating of apartheid and immortalizing Stalin and Gandhi. But they are presented also personal images, videos and texts of this extraordinary woman, who was able to interpret and document the most important moments of 20 century. The photo exhibition can be visited until 14.02.2021.

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Piazza del Duomo, 12, 20122 Milano MI

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