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Places and tours of Molise

Places and tours of Molise

Speaking of the places and itineraries of Molise, one can certainly start from Isernia, the ancient capital of the Samnite populations. The province of Isernia also has much to see: the Collemeluccio reserve, a protected natural area and the medieval village of Venafro.

From the point of view of the natural tourism of the mountain landscapes, you are spoilt for choice: think of the attractions of the Apennine ridge and the matese massif (in particular Campitello Matese, which hosts a famous ski resort often the venue for events related to winter sports).

Stories and traditions of Molise

Stories and traditions of Molise

The history of Molise is very much linked to that of the Samnite populations and to that of the Roman settlements, as well as to the influence of the Swabian domination. Its traditions, on the other hand, are very much linked to the morphology of the territory, mainly mountainous and hilly. These are, in fact, peasant and mountain traditions that have remained unchanged over the centuries. The best example of this uncontamination is the tradition of the Zampognari, shepherds and peasants who move from rural areas to the inhabited centres of the cities playing their typical instrument, the Zampogna, during the Christmas periods. This custom is very deep-rooted and heartfelt, so much so that the Zampognari have earned a place in the typical Neapolitan crib.