What to do in Anghiari? This fascinating medieval village is a gem waiting to be discovered. Let's go!

If we think of Anghiari, located in the so-called Valtiberina Toscana, probably the first thing coming to mind is the famous battle that took place in this picturesque village between the troops of Florence and those of Milan. To make this historical event of 1440 known was Leonardo da Vinci, who dedicated his painting, now unfortunately lost, to the bloody clash. What remains, fortunately, is the copy executed by Paul Rubens, fairly faithfully reproducing Da Vinci's original idea.

In the small town in the Arezzo province, the lost work of art is of such great importance that, inside the Palazzo della Battaglia, it was founded the Museum of the Battle and Anghiari!

Art, in this beautiful village, is really present in every corner: for example, in the State Museum you can admire works by Jacopo della Quercia, Della Robbia or Giovanni Antonio Sogliani.

As if the presence of these admirable artistic works were not enough, Anghiari also owns incredible scenic riches to offer, so much to have rightfully entered among the most beautiful villages in Italy.

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What to see in Anghiari

Things to see in Anghiari

In Anghiari, the imperative is to take it easy: after all, this quiet Tuscan town is on the Slow Cities list. So what to start from, to best enjoy the beauty of Anghiari? The answer is simple, you have to start from the characteristic historic center, then explore the wonderful castles and palaces standing nearby.

To give a few examples, we have the Castle of Galbino, whose construction dates back to the year 1000, or the Castle of Sorci, now home to a traditional restaurant, much loved by Italian show business personalities.

What to see in Anghiari: unmissable museums

What to see in Anghiari: unmissable museums

In addition to the already mentioned Museum of the Battle and Anghiari, where it is possible to learn in depth about the clash that so marked these places, along with events more purely related to the world of art, there are also other museums in this country village.

We can mention, for example, the State Museum, housed inside Palazzo Taglieschi, boasting a very prestigious collection, among which the polychrome wooden madonna by Jacopo della Quercia should certainly be mentioned. A visit to the Misericordia Museum, linked to the events of the Confraternity of Misericordia of Anghiari, may also be interesting.

Typical events in Anghiari

Typical events in Anghiari

The Anghiari battle has certainly influenced over the centuries the traditions we can find in the beautiful Borgo: each year on June 29 there is in fact the celebration of the Palio della Vittoria, consisting of a running race in which the municipalities compete. For fans of bike rides, on the other hand, there is also the late October event called the Intrepid. Away from the adrenaline rush of racing and battles, there is also the quieter Mostra Mercato dell'Artigianato della Valtiberina Toscana, held instead in late spring.

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