Discover how to beat Blue Monday with original ideas made in Italy and live the saddest day of the year in joy with Visit Italy

If you're wondering how to beat Blue Monday, we come with plenty of ideas to beat the melancholy of the saddest day of the year. Sunny Italy, full of charm, culture and good food, offers many opportunities to lift your spirits.

The third Monday in January has been named Blue Monday because it is considered the saddest day of the year: it is a calculation based on a combination of factors related to post-Christmas melancholy, cold and dark nights and the current account balance.

We have therefore studied for you 10 possibilities that suggest how to beat Blue Monday, but which are also anti-depressive at any time of the year when you feel unmotivated.

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The origins of the saddest day of the year and how to beat Blue Monday: follow our tips!

How to beat Blue Monday

Cliff Arnall, a professor at Cardiff University, obtained the date of the third Monday in January as Blue Monday through a mathematical formula that takes into account a number of variables: lack of sunlight, winter weather conditions, guilt for money spent during the Christmas holidays, the physiological drop in motivation after the holidays, and the increasing desire to act.

The willingness to recognise these elements leads to an awareness of one's own state of mind; the next step must be to react, taking measures to deal with and counteract the sadness and turn this day into a moment of rebirth.

Are you ready to discover our tips on how to beat Blue Monday?

10. Plan a year of events

The best way out of the tunnel of sadness is to make long-term plans. A voyage of discovery to Italy's wonderful cities could provide ideas for new adventures, which become more exciting if they are combined with special events taking place throughout the year. Find your mode that suggests how to beat Blue Monday!

You can choose from cultural, sporting and gastronomic events: each occasion will be an excursion to a well-known or unknown location, but enriched with entertainment and vitality. If your trip to Italy starts in Rome, remember to buy the Rome Pass to travel by public transport and get discounted access to many attractions.

Discover Rome Pass

9. Relaxation programme at the Spa

How to beat Blue Monday: at the Thermal Baths

We all deserve pampering and relaxation and should stop more often to regenerate and recharge our batteries. Take advantage of this day and give yourself a unique opportunity to beat Blue Monday! If you can treat yourself even for a whole weekend, the benefits will be astonishing.

At the Thermal Baths, time seems to slow down, stress melts away and the mind is freed from negative thoughts. Try thinking about your body in a cosy, fragrant environment, immersed in a pool and free to meditate, in search of your inner balance.

8. Practising sports at high altitude

How to beat Blue Monday: sport

Winter sports enthusiasts know how good contact with nature can be, especially when you can almost touch the sky with your finger. High altitude activities such as skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and mountain biking are healthy and regenerate the senses.

The state of wellbeing you feel when listening to the silence of the mountains is comparable to meditation, because it takes you away from everyday stress and makes you forget all those negative things that trouble you.

7. Learn to make pasta

Have you ever felt hyperactive because you were too nervous? It is a normal reaction that characterises many people. So it would be helpful to channel this energy into a manual activity, to turn a moment of sadness into a creative one.

Making pasta is also a prelude to moments you can share with friends and family, who will surely enjoy the good home-made food and new recipes you can try your hand at. If you like spaghetti, you'll just have to choose how to season and enjoy it.

6. Have coffee with friends

How to beat Blue Monday: a coffee with friends

Relaxing activities don't have to be surprising: how long has it been since you had a good coffee with friends? You could spend a pleasant time with your favourite company.

Forget the hurried coffee at the cafeteria before going to work and use the opportunity to enjoy a therapeutic drink in a cheerful mood. It will be a time to share dreams and secrets and disconnect from bad thoughts. Choose carefully the people you spend your free moments with and you will reap unexpected benefits!

5. Order your favourite pizza

How to beat Blue Monday: enjoy a pizza!

What is your comfort food? Italians prefer pizza and tourists love it! On this dreary day, you have to indulge yourself without guilt... and it is no coincidence that 17 January is World Pizza Day.

Pizza has always been the food of choice at dinner parties, followed by spaghetti in all the traditional recipes. It is definitely one of the best tips to give to those wondering how to beat Blue Monday. If you prefer to make your own pizza at home, follow our tips and get started now.

4. Plan a trip to the seaside in winter

How to beat Blue Monday: by the sea in winter

Think outside the box! The sea is beautiful in all seasons of the year and in winter, with its peacefulness, it can become a natural remedy for stress. Sitting on a deserted beach, listening to the sound of the waves, relaxes the senses and regenerates the spirit.

In Liguria the climate is mild all year round, in Sicily and Sardinia you will find places to discover in a different light. In addition, the absence of mass tourism gives you carefree days to devote to your favourite activities. There are plenty of locations in Italy where you can enjoy the sea in autumn and winter, discover them all.

3. Treat yourself to a crazy day of shopping

How to beat Blue Monday: shopping

Gran Paradiso National Park

Shopping is considered an anti-depressant, a rewarding activity that boosts self-esteem and brings well-being. How long have you wanted something and always put off buying it? Now is the right time to fulfil your wishes!

It doesn't have to be an expensive expense, what counts is the satisfaction of having done something for yourself, perhaps in the company of friends and combined with an outing. What's missing in your wardrobe? Discover the must-haves of every wardrobe in perfect Italian style!

2. Learn Italian

How to beat Blue Monday: learn a new language

Among the activities that suggest you how to beat Blue Monday, learning something new is very valuable because it enriches your cultural background; it can also be the start of a new activity or new acquaintances.

If you feel like learning a foreign language, we suggest you start with an Italian course, with a full immersion in local life to practise and feel the spirit of our beautiful Italy. Discovering the habits of a population will be the fastest and most enjoyable way to practise and make new acquaintances.

1. Choose unmissable destinations for your trips

The desire to visit new places is usually postponed due to various problems and commitments that seem more and more urgent. However, it would be better to get ahead of the game and start thinking about where to go: that way, as soon as the opportunity arises, all you have to do is book and pack your suitcase.

Among the many destinations, we have selected the ones you absolutely must not miss, starting with your favourite and continuing to think about the date of your next trip! Evaluate your budget, time available and don't wait. How to get around in big cities? Choose our Passes, get discounts and use urban transport to get around with agility.

Discover Official Milano Pass

How to beat Blue Monday: think, act and smile at life!

How to beat Blue Monday: our tips

With our tips it will not be difficult to understand how to beat Blue Monday, but the first thing to do is to change your attitude and stop procrastinating.

think positive: focus on the positives in your life, including what you consider of little value but perhaps take for granted

take action: don't stand still and watch time go by, these are all missed opportunities to regain your well-being

smile at life: starting the day in a good mood makes you see life from a different perspective and helps you value yourself

When you manage to carve out some moments to relax, take your time and read a book, listen to your favourite music or do some physical activity: these are all positive inputs for your physical and mental health and will improve your mood.

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