Rome capital of Italy and almost 3000 years of history. Its origins lie in myth, but why is it so loved still today?

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Legend has it that Rome was founded by Romulus, son of the god Mars, raised together with his twin Remus by a wolf, now almost three thousand years ago. An extraordinary start, for a city that even today knows how to surprise.

Although everything has been said and written about Rome, between fantasy and reality, what we know for sure is that for all this time it has never ceased to be one of the most important and fascinating capitals in the world. The great history has passed through here, among its seven hills, over and over again. Popes, emperors, and great artists have loved and desired it, leaving an indelible mark on the city that we know today and that you can visit in various ways. However, the fastest, most intuitive, and advantageous way is undoubtedly with the best tourist pass of the city: the Visit Rome Pass.

Talking about its atmosphere, importance and beauty in words is no small feat, but let's find out why Rome still strikes the hearts of visitors from all over the world.


5. Good food


Talking about food, when it comes to Italy, may seem cliché, but every region, if not every city, has so many specialties not found elsewhere, that it'd be a shame not to know at least a few. Rome, of course, is no exception so you will enjoy an infinite number of delicacies here as well.
The local cuisine is often of peasant origin, based on simple and genuine products prepared according to recipes that have been handed down for generations. The most emblematic dish, however, is also among the youngest. It's the carbonara pasta, with eggs, bacon and cheese, apparently invented during the Second World War.
Speaking of cheeses, the Romans par excellence are pecorino and ricotta.
Lamb, which here is called abbacchio, is among the most popular second courses, together with tripe cooked with tomatoes, herbs and wine. 
If you get hungry, between a monumental square and a characteristic alleyway, there is also a wide choice of street food. Try the supplì, rice balls with different toppings, the saltimbocca, a flatbread stuffed with various cold cuts, or even fried cod.
For a sweet conclusion there is the maritozzo, a sweet loaf stuffed with abundant whipped cream.
And what about wine? In Rome it has always been much loved, since ancient times and many wines are produced all throughout Lazio. Wherever you go you'll find both the most prestigious labels and the simple and genuine house wines.

If you want to combine the pleasure of a tasting and dinner with a tour on the Tiber, there is the possibility of booking a wonderful experience! DISCOVER MORE INFO FOR YOUR DINNER ON THE TIBER

Rome, lucky city, invincible, eternal

Tito Livio

4. The squares of Rome


Probably if you think about the Roman squares, the first one that comes to mind, and rightly so, is St. Peter's Square with its colonnade and dome. Rome has many other squares though, full of famous monuments, fountains and above all, full of life.

Some of them, such as Piazza Navona with the Bernini fountain, or Piazza di Spagna, with its famous staircase, are among the destinations that no visitor would like to miss. The same goes for Piazza di Trevi, small and very crowded, thanks to the well known Trevi Fountain, one of the most visited monuments in Rome. A walk in the Eternal City should necessarily include Piazza del Popolo too, with its trident of streets, among the favorite destinations for shopping lovers.
However, there is no shortage of less famous squares, a little less frequented and maybe for this very reason even more charming. Look for them walking through the alleys of Trastevere, or discovering the Jewish quarter, one of the many hidden corners of Rome.


3. Cinema


Rome and cinema have been linked by mutual love for almost a century.

Cinecittà studios have seen countless great directors pass by, such as Rossellini, Fellini and Sergio Leone. All the great actors who have made Italian cinema famous in the world have worked here, from Sophia Loren to Anna Magnani e Alberto Sordi, both Roman by birth. Not to mention the huge international productions, from Ben Hur in 1959, to Roman Holidays with Audrey Hepburn, up to the most recent. As of today Rome is indeed still a set that never stops, among movies, documentaries and commercials. Impossible not to love its beauties and its atmospheres.

The location that the city has provided contributed to the creation of scenes that have remained in the popular imagination. One example above all? Anita Ekberg bathing in the Trevi Fountain, gifting cinema lovers of every era one of the most iconic moments ever. 

Every year the city also hosts the Rome Film Fest, which attracts international stars from all over the world.


No one can get bored in Rome except those who have a cold soul.

N. V. Gogol'

2. Rome's museums


Exhibitions, events, archeology and timeless masterpieces.  Rome owes its everlasting fame also to some of the biggest and most important museums in Italy.
The most famous artists, such as Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio and many others, can be found for example in the Gallery of Palazzo Barberini, or in that of Villa Borghese. Palazzo Doria Pamphilj also has a gallery of immense value, with masterpieces ranging from the XVI to XVIII century, housed in rooms of rare beauty.
If you are interested in ancient art, on the other hand, the Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia is definitely worth a visit, and the same goes for the Capitoline Museums. It's huge complex, divided into four locations, also considered the first public museum in the world.
Even if you love contemporary art the choice is wide.Visit the National Gallery, for example, or Centrale Montemartini, a former factory converted into a museum. In the Mattatoio complex in Testaccio, on the other hand, you can admire a section of the MACRO, one of the main contemporary art museums in Rome.
Equally interesting are the house-museums, for example that of Giorgio de Chirico or the one where the writer Alberto Moravia lived.
You cannot visit Rome without trespassing from time to time into the Vatican State. This is where you'll find the greatest masterpieces of world art, including Michelangelo's Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel or Raphael's frescoes in the Vatican Rooms. FURTHER INFO ABOUT VATICAN MUSEUMS AND SISTINE CHAPEL

1. The antiquities


 In a city extraordinarily rich in culture and beauty, it's probably the ancient remains the most moving.

A visit to the archaeological site of the Colosseum, which also includes the Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum, is one of the most unforgettable experiences Rome can give you, but certainly not the only one. Starting with the five squares of the Imperial Forums, in the footsteps of some of the greatest emperors in history, including Augustus and Trajan.
Monumental and imposing are the remains of the Baths of Caracalla, not far from another archaeological area, immense both in size and value: the Circus Maximus. This is among the largest spectacle buildings of all time, once used for the chariot races, a sport much loved by the ancient Romans. It hosts big shows even now.
A little outside the center there is Largo di Torre Argentina where are the remains of the four temples that were only rediscovered a few decades ago. Not too distant there is also the Teatro Marcello, less famous than the Colosseum, but older. It was indeed the model of the Roman amphitheaters of later years.
Finally, since the emperors sure loved to celebrate their successes, in Rome you'll easily come across triumphal arches and columns. To mention only the most famous, we remember the arch of Constantine and the Column of Trajan. 


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