Campomarino di Maruggio in the province of Taranto
I want to tell you a story, a kind of anecdote that surprised me too, even if not completely.
I lived all my life in a beach house in Campomarino di Maruggio in the province of Taranto. I live there in summer and winter since I was born. The big bang of my memories originated here. My house is a hundred meters from the sea: the most beautiful sea in the world for me. I started, growing up, to practice all the possible and imaginable sports related to the sea, such as underwater fishing. When I was a kid, we started from the small, old and characteristic marina, which has now become a beautiful multi-purpose structure. This marina now includes, among other things, restaurant, hotel, diving school, parking and much more.In the '80s Campomarino had only a few houses, while today it is one of the most suggestive tourist destinations in Puglia. Well, just in those years, a family from Cuneo came to spend their holidays here, renting house near mine. It was people who had traveled the world.
One day we were at the beach and we were talking cordially. Suddenly, the head of the family took out some photos of the sea of Campomarino that he had made and started showing them to me. He told me textually: "look at it...I go to Sardinia every year, I have a timeshare in Liguria to Camogli overlooking the sea, I have traveled the world far and wide, but a water so beautiful, transparent and clean 'I've ever seen ... it seems to be in the Seychelles!" Now this family is still here: come back every year. He bought his holiday house.
Then, with the passage of time, among the many non-Apulian friends who came to see me and all the people I met (who had come to Campomarino to spend their holidays), I resented this sentence a thousand times. The same concept is repeated in all the sauces: all the people who were lucky enough to take a bath here, said that there is no such sea anywhere. And they are still all here. They come back every year. They always come back.

How is the sea in Campomarino di Maruggio