Perched villages and cosy hamlets lend themselves to setting the scene for the most popular Christmas spirit: the Living Cribs in Calabria

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Christmas is just around the corner, and with the arrival of the Living Cribs in Calabria we can finally immerse ourselves completely in this festive climate of ancient traditions.

In the next few days, after the opening of the famous Christmas markets and villages that are absolutely worth visiting because they are all festively decorated, the beauty of the Living Cribs in Calabria will enrich the picture of the best-loved Christmas traditions, to immerse ourselves in the true Christmas spirit.

Perched villages and cosy hamlets will lend themselves as the setting for one of the most beloved scenes, for believers and not only, where one can find the nativity characters who will interpret the most important moments of the nativity in assigned or itinerant positions.

In the streets of many Calabrian towns, from 24 December to 6 January, one breathes a magical atmosphere, full of joy, hope and love. It is out of love for the traditions associated with the Holy Christmas that many Pro Loco and volunteer associations, from the first weeks of November, immerse themselves in the preparations for the most eagerly awaited Christmas event of all: 'The Living Crib in Calabria'.

A open-air theatrical performance, mixed with a tinge of historical-religious re-enactment, which has its roots back in 1223 in the village of Greccio, when for the first time, St Francis of Assisi staged the event of the birth of Jesus, with the help of the inhabitants as and using the village as the setting. From that moment on, the tradition spread throughout the peninsula and even today, the Living Cribs in Calabria come to life in the alleys of its marvellous villages, traversed for the occasion by the figurants in historical costume, all busy interpreting the role assigned to them as best they can.

The magic and atmosphere of Christmas come to life thanks to the Living Cribs in Calabria.

Living Cribs in Calabria not to be missed: here are some of the most peculiar villages to see

Living Cribs in Calabria not to be missed: here are some of the most peculiar villages to see

The Living Cribs in Calabria are a must-visit and we would like to recommend some that you absolutely must not miss.

Set against a characteristic backdrop of villages perched on the sea, the Living Cribs in Calabria offer a wide range of alternatives to the visitor, who can easily move from the mountains to the sea in just a few hours.

Among the curiosities, it should be emphasised that frequently the tasks performed by the figurants are closely linked to ancient local trades that would otherwise risk extinction. Inevitable is the figure of the blacksmith, the master bakers, the wool workers, the artisans and all those manual jobs that today are able to enchant the public. These are precisely the reasons why visitors are attracted and enticed by the beauty of the scenery set up and the evocative atmosphere they often have thanks to the torches and candles that illuminate it. Of course, the delicacies that are prepared and offered to tourists to warm up are also very inviting and help to cope with the cold temperatures that December and January have. As it does every year, the Calabrian region offers its visitors a vast list of Living Cribs in Calabria to choose from this Christmas, all of which are marvellous because they are the offspring of organisations that have been well-tested over the years, many of which have become decades-long traditions.

Here are some of the most special ones to visit from Saturday 24 December 2022 until 6 January 2023 visit the Living Cribs in Calabria.

Living Cribs in Calabria in Paola

Living Cribs in Calabria in Paola

Paola, a town on the upper Tyrrhenian coast of Cosenza, will be the setting for the Living Crib in Calabria. The route of the event winds along the streets of the historic centre, letting you relive the emotions of a medieval re-enactment on the slopes of the famous Aragonese Castle Tower. You will encounter various relaxation areas, where among gastronomic stands and typical products, artistic and cultural exhibitions, evocative visits and performances of ancient crafts, visitors will enjoy an unforgettable experience. On 26 December 2022 and 6 January 2023 from 4.30 p.m. onwards, you can be a guest in the beautiful historical centre of this sea-kissed town.

Orsomarso Living Crib

Orsomarso Living Crib

The Pro Loco presents the Living Crib of Orsomarso amidst the picturesque streets of the village and accompanied by the notes of the pipers. During the event, you will have the chance to taste traditional local delicacies. A world of traditions and magic awaits you. You can enjoy the spectacle of the village of the Cedar Coast in Via Santa Croce on 26 December 2022 and 5 January 2023 from 4 pm.

Living Cribs in Calabria in the village of Aieta

Living Cribs in Calabria in the village of Aieta

Come and relive the magic of the Nativity that comes alive in the alleys of the village of Aieta. There will be no shortage of figures from the many ancient crafts and religious scenes. In the main square you will find Christmas markets with numerous food and craft stalls. In the historical centre of the small village in the north of the Cosenza region, you can admire the Living Cribs in Calabria, which was awarded the title of best Italian living crib in 2021. On 26 and 30 December 2022 and 6 January 2023, always from 17.30 to 20.00.

The traditional Living Cribs in Calabria in the Pentone city is renewed

In the town of Pentone the Living Cribs in Calabria

Once again this year, the traditional Living Crib is renewed in Pentone. An event that will attract, as usual, many lovers of tradition and also an opportunity to visit the town and its beauties.

As is now customary, the historic centre will host workshops and figures, with a renewed and this time more concentrated route so that visitors can enjoy it more easily. The artistic director, Amerigo Marino, will be in charge of directing and taking care of the details; it will be the task of the associations to set up the various workshops along the itinerary. An important role will be played by the workers involved, who will be the real stars of the event and its scenes.

The typical warmth of the people of Penton will not be missing, nor will the excellent tastings. Great expectations, then, when in the Historic Centre of Pentone on 28 and 29 December 2022 from 5 p.m. onwards you will relive the magic of the birth of the baby Jesus thanks to the real and usable Living Crib.

Living Cribs in Calabria: the Nativity of Rocca Imperiale

Living Cribs in Calabria: the Nativity of Rocca Imperiale

The picturesque village of Rocca Imperiale is preparing to host the representation of the Nativity of the Child Jesus. The itinerant route will wind its way from the Frederician castle to the mother church, near which the grotto will be set up. The religious event is organised by the 'Insieme si cresce' association together with the municipality and the 'Assunzione della Beata Vergine Maria' parish. The town becomes the setting for the historical Christmas event par excellence in a nativity scene in the 'Land of lemons and poetry'.

In Rocca Imperiale in Via Castello Aragona on 26 December 2022 and 6 January 2023 from 7 p.m. onwards, you can witness one of the most characteristic Living Cribs in Calabria.

Acri prepares for the historical re-enactment of the “Living Crib”

Acri prepares for the historical re-enactment of the “Living Crib”

Sponsored by the Municipality of Acri and the Region of Calabria, the historical re-enactment of the birth of Jesus returns after the pandemic stopped.

A large number of visitors will be attracted by the event. By visiting the town, you will have the chance to admire both the characteristic beauty of the town, but also to learn about the community's traditions and, above all, to taste the flavours of some of the local products present during the event.

In the Contrada Guglielmo in the city of Acre on 26 and 27 December 2022 from 15:30 to 20:00 it will be possible to admire the Living Crib.

Living Crib of Morano Calabro

Living Crib of Morano Calabro

Visiting the living crib of Morano Calabro is guaranteed to be a unique, evocative, beautiful experience, a full immersion in the ancient village. You will see a new way of approaching the mystery of the nativity where the spiritual aspects will be juxtaposed with the magical atmosphere of the village, the soul with the material, the beating heart of the village's millenary and prestigious history.

A combination of genuine sensations and emotions will await you, under the watchful gaze of the bright comet that from the top of the Ariella hill will illuminate the location and dominate the natural scenery of the houses clinging to the mountain.

In the historical centre of Morano Calabro on 25 and 26 December 2022, and also 1, 5 and 6 January 2023 from 17:30 to 20:30, the Living Cribs In Calabria will be staged.

Aiello Calabro: the living crib organised by the Anspi

Aiello Calabro: the living crib organised by the Anspi

The 'Natale nel borgo... tra incanto e magia' ('Christmas in the village... between enchantment and magic') programme, conceived and organised by the municipality of Aiello Calabro in collaboration with local associations, is full of events. Many appointments for citizens and visitors, who throughout the month of December will be entertained with music, theatre, cinema, children's events and the living crib organised by the Anspi.

The right occasion to spend a cheerful evening in the Christmas spirit.

In Via San Cosmo in Aiello Calabro on 29 December 2022 and 5 January 2023 at 17:00 the living crib performances will begin.

Melicucco: Living Crib and Illuminations for a perfect Christmas

Melicucco: Living Crib and Illuminations for a perfect Christmas

In Melicucco: Living Crib and Illuminations for a perfect Christmas, the longest-lasting in the region. In fact, it has become a tradition here to see costumed figures in the streets of the village.

Experience the Christmas season as a protagonist in the small village on the plain, and don't miss the animated procession through the streets. And with the arrival of the Three Kings on horseback, don't miss the nativity scene, a symbol of aggregation and a sense of belonging for the new generations. But above all, let yourself be enchanted by the beautiful illuminations set up in the streets of the village.

On 24, 25 and 26 December 2022 and 1 and 6 January 2023, don't miss the opportunity to experience this magic in the area of the former nuns' kindergarten.

Living Cribs in Calabria in Cetraro among ancient trades and characters

Prickly Pears and Living Cribs in Calabria at Cetraro

Among the Living Cribs in Calabria, the one in Cetraro features the local inhabitants and is organised by the Associazione In Cammino.

The organisation envisages a compulsory one-way route winding through the alleys of the town on the upper Tyrrhenian coast of Cosenza. The route is meticulously maintained and offers wonderful scenery, where, amidst scenes of Bethlehem in the first century, you can encounter idyllic views of typical prickly pears and glimpses of the sea.

Along the steep route, in addition to the representation of the nativity and the re-enactment of ancient crafts, it will be possible to taste typical products from Cetraresi.

The Living Crib of San Filippo in Cetraro will be organised on 26 December 2022 and 1 and 6 January 2023. You can attend the event from 17:30 to 20:00, here you can see one of the most beautiful living cribs in Calabria.

In Gasperina Beyond the darkness the light

In Gasperina Beyond the darkness the light

In Gasperina, the living crib is organised by the 'Il Sotterraneo Pro Gasperina A.P.S.' Association, with the support of the Gasperina Associations and financed by the Region through the 'Calabria Straordinaria' Project.

This year's staged performances will be entitled 'Beyond Darkness, Light'.

Piazza Enrico Fermi in the city of Gasperina will be the stage for the living crib Beyond the Darkness the Light. You will be able to attend the event on 26 and 27 December 2022 and on 1 January 2023 from 5 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

Living Cribs to Visit in Calabria

Living Cribs to Visit in Calabria

- Living Cribs in Calabria: the most evocative to visit

- Living Cribs in Calabria not to be missed: here are some of the most peculiar villages to see

- Living Cribs in Calabria of Paola

- Living Crib of Orsomarso

- Living Cribs in Calabria in the village of Aieta

- Traditional Living Cribs in Calabria in the foothills of the mountains

- Living Cribs in Calabria: the Nativity in Rocca Imperiale

- Acri prepares for the historical re-enactment of the “Living Crib”

- Living Crib of Morano Calabro

- Aiello Calabro: the living crib organised by Anspi

- Melicucco, Living Crib and illuminations for a perfect Christmas

- Living Cribs in Calabria in Cetraro amid ancient trades and characters

- In Gasperina Beyond the darkness the light

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