Discover all the events scheduled for this fantastic Carnival of Maiori 2024.

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One of the most cheerful and eagerly awaited parties of the year is undoubtedly the Carnival, celebrated in countries with a Christian tradition, it is eagerly awaited by both adults and children. We at will tell you specifically about the one in the city of Maiori, so you don't miss any detail of this folk festival!

This year the theme that will affect the Carnival of Maiori will be "the roots, the origins, the nourishment of the future". This will take place between 11th and 18th February 2024, now in its 50th edition and it confirms that this year's theme, in addition to being highly topical, also speaks of the desire to convey important messages through the art of papier-mâché and groups on parade. The Carnival of Maiori is a celebration particularly felt by the entire population of the coastal area and by the whole of Campania. It has the power to unite adults and children in a triumph of colors and magic. Everyone looks forward to this time of year to be able to participate in the great parade that will flood the streets of the center in a riot of music, masks and confetti.

The history of the birth of the Carnival of Maiori

The history of the birth of the Carnival of Maiori

The origins of the Carnival of Maiori date back to around 1400, and the word comes to life from the Latin "carnem levare" which literally means "eliminate the meat", as it indicated the banquet that was held on the last day of Carnival (crass Tuesday), just before the fasting and abstinence period of Lent. The celebrations mostly took place on crass Thursday and crass Tuesday, i.e. the last Thursday and the last Tuesday in which the carnival days were then closed, given that Lent in Roman history begins with Ash Wednesday.

During the days of celebration it was permissible to let go, free oneself from obligations and commitments and devote oneself entirely to joking and playing. Furthermore, masking made the rich and the poor unrecognizable and thus any type of social difference disappeared. Once the holidays were over, rigor and order returned to dominate society.

If you decide to participate in the Maiori Carnival, you can benefit from an efficient car rental service to get around at your own pace.

Carnival in Campania: the main destinations where to celebrate

Carnival in Campania: the main destinations where to celebrate

By now it is known that Carnival is one of the most eagerly awaited parties of the year, both for the spirit of freedom that is felt in that everyone can get rid of their clothes and commitments for a while, and for dedicating themselves entirely to joking and game.

Below we list some of the oldest and most popular Carnival in Campania:

Carnival of Saviano: born in 1979, it is one of the "youngest" carnivals in Campania, even if in a few years it has won the title of one of the best in the entire region. A great masquerade party that runs through the streets of the historic center with the impressive parade of allegorical floats that accompanies tourists and locals in an irrepressible party based on songs, dances and laughter.

Carnival of Palma Campania: the fulcrum of the famous Palmese carnival is undoubtedly the parade of quadrilles, masked groups with well-kept costumes made by local tailors, stage choreographies, dances and songs which are directed by a master who coordinates them during performances in the alleys of the town.

Carnival of Montemarano: here in the province of Avellino an event is staged that takes its cue from the most ancient traditions. In fact, on the Sunday following crass Tuesday, the traditional masks leave the scene to the "upside down" ones; men dress up as women, young men as old men and so on in a symbolic process where every order is subverted. Furthermore, one of the key events is the Dead Carnival, where a puppet is placed in a small coffin which will then be carried around the city to the rhythm of music. The folk groups stage the carnival funeral, also reading an ironic will in which they bequeath all the debts accumulated to organize the festivities.

Carnevale di Caiazzo: municipality in the province of Caserta which hosts a somewhat unconventional carnival every year. In fact, famous for its parade with wheelbarrows, the participants in the carnival dress up in typical costumes and masks, then parading along the streets of the city center inside wheelbarrows throwing confetti in the air!

Explore the sumptuous royal flats of the Royal Palace of Caserta, the Throne Room, and the enchanting park sprinkled with lush vegetation benefiting from a ticket by Visit Italy.

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What are the main masks of the Carnival in Campania

What are the main masks of the Carnival in Campania

The best known masks of the Neapolitan tradition and symbol of the Neapolitan people are mainly two: Pulcinella and Tartaglia. Of the first it is said that he was gullible and a joker. Always ready to concoct some trick and to make jokes and teases to the detriment of those who do not indulge his whims. Pulcinella, famous for his funny way of walking, wears a white shirt with a black belt at the waist and his face half covered by a mask with an aquiline nose. He has a wrinkled face and very small eyes which give him a typical appearance of a rooster.

Tartaglia, on the other hand, is a mask of Genoese origin, which however became very popular in Naples in the second half of the seventeenth century. It is a mask similar to that of the doctor, from which it derives. Clumsy and corpulent, without beard or mustache and with a shaved head, he takes his name from the stuttering he is afflicted with; to it, and to the strong myopia, all his comedy is limited, devoid of human content. Tartaglia's costume originally consisted of a green dress and cape with yellow stripes and a white collar, then later varied in colors and ornaments.

Parades, songs, dances and colors will enliven the week of the Carnival of Maiori which will once again be confirmed as one of the capitals of Italian allegory.

In the streets you will breathe joy, and it will not only be a moment of leisure for the little ones, but an event that shows its love for tradition and for the collaboration between citizens who actively participate in the event, engaging with installations in the city already weeks in advance.

For this reason there are associations that have already been actively working for months to create allegorical papier-mâché floats, which starting from February 11th will parade through the streets of the center giving a unique show of its kind. Hundreds of young people are working hard to create the show which will include live dances and songs, all adorned with beautiful ad hoc decorated floats and magnificent masks and dresses that will give us the feeling of living in a fairy tale.

What are the sweet characteristics of the Carnival of Maiori

What are the sweet characteristics of the Carnival of Maiori

To best sanction the days of celebration that characterize the Carnival of Maiori, we cannot fail to mention the typical traditional desserts. Here in Campania there are several and all of a unique goodness.

Let's see together specifically what they are:

Chiacchiere (or frappe) now known throughout Italy, see their birth in the Neapolitan city thanks to a request from Queen Margherita of Savoy who had commissioned the court chef to make a dessert suitable for accompanying conversations with her friends. And here it takes its name "chatter".

The sanguinaccio (black pudding), comes from an ancient recipe of poor cuisine from Campania. In the past, the blood of the pig was used (when nothing of the latter was thrown away) to create a cream to which cocoa was then added to ensure that the chatter was literally soaked in it and enjoyed like this. Since 1992, the recipe no longer provides for the use of pig's blood as this has been prohibited.

Migliaccio is one of the most famous desserts of Neapolitan cuisine prepared precisely for Carnival and Easter. Its name originates from the Latin word miliaccium which indicates the traditional millet bread. In fact, the simple but tasty recipe involves the use of millet flour and ricotta which make the flavor of the millet unique in its kind.

Graffe are a dessert that is now prepared all year round and can be found in production in all pastry shops. Typical of the carnival period, it is essentially a very soft and fragrant donut that is served fried, and this is one of the perfect occasions to prepare them at home too.

Where to park for Carnival in Maiori

The beautiful city of Maiori during the Carnival is super suitable to be visited on foot. All places of interest and the main square are located within the historic center, which is why it is advisable to get around on foot and enjoy all the beauties that the place offers. We recommend below a garage where you can park your car and be free to walk in total freedom.

• Carnival of Maiori 2024: all the scheduled events, experience the magic that reigns in this fantastic city that awaits the Carnival.

• The history of the birth of the Carnival of Maiori: all the history and curiosities.

• Carnival in Campania: the main destinations where to celebrate and all the most characteristic customs of this celebration.

• What are the main masks of the Carnival of Maiori: the story of Pulcinella and Tartaglia.

• How to best celebrate the Maiori Carnival with parades, music and allegorical floats.

• What are the sweet characteristics of the Carnival of Maiori: chiacchiere, mileccio and much more.

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