Known since antiquity for its vibrant volcanic activity, breathtaking landscapes, archaeological and natural beauty, the Campi Flegrei lie on a large caldera that stretches from Naples to Monte di Procida through the towns of Pozzuoli, Bacoli and Quarto. This unique area was once home to Roman villas and imperial palaces, now submerged due to bradyseism.

Great legends and myths of ancient Greece and Roman times are set in the Phlegrean areas. The ideal place to experience the uniqueness of the Mediterranean environment and see with your own eyes hidden beauties dating back to ancient peoples. Not only history lovers, the Phlegraean Fields are a favorite destination for many sports, both land, and sea. Let's find out which are the sports activities to practice during a vacation in Campi Flegrei.

Trekking on the Crater of Gauro

Trekking is one of the most beautiful, healthy, and amazing physical activities that many outdoor enthusiasts have rediscovered in recent years. A unique way to experience a little-known place and discover hidden landscapes. Climbing on hillside paths and walking through the endless countryside, trekking is ideal for keeping fit. It is not a simple walk, so a minimum of athletic preparation is necessary to practice trekking. The Campi Flegrei offer numerous paths where you can practice this discipline. The most famous and peculiar is that of the Crater of Gauro. Eight kilometres long, it is a path of medium difficulty that crosses geological and volcanological attractions. The Crater of Gauro is the highest volcanic building of the whole Phlegrean area, and it is entirely made of yellow Campanian tuff. The name "Gauro" derives from ancient Greek, meaning "majestic". Along the path, among volcanic rocks and typical plants of the Mediterranean scrub, there are chestnut trees and Falerno vines, a wine famous during the Roman Empire and exported worldwide.

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Jogging on the shores of Lake Avernus

Jogging on the shores of Lake Avernus

Lake Averno is located in the municipality of Pozzuoli and is a small lake of volcanic origin, a fascinating and mysterious place that has attracted the attention of the Phlegrean people since ancient times. Every weekend, the perimeter of the lake is filled with sportsmen and runners intent on jogging on the shores of the lake. A natural beauty that has always been a favorite destination for fitness lovers who populate the Phlegraean Fields. The name "Avernus" derives from Greek and means "without birds", in fact, according to legend, in the past the lake released gas fumes that drove away the birds. The lake is famous for being present in the Aeneid, according to the poet Virgil represented the entrance door to the Underworld. During the festive days, the shores of the mystical lake crowd with runners and children who take advantage of the immense beauty of the place to do physical activity and run in the open air. Over the years, many sporting events have been organized such as marathons, running races and competitive and amateur events. In short, if you love jogging, you can't miss the opportunity to go for a run at Lake Averno.

Biking between Pozzuoli and Monte Nuovo

Biking between Pozzuoli and Monte Nuovo

Biking is as strenuous as it is beneficial. The Phlegraean Fields are an endless source of places where you can go cycling and enjoy spectacular landscapes. Almost all of the Phlegraean area can be explored by bike, but for the more experienced cyclists, we would like to recommend one itinerary in particular. An ideal biking tour of the Phlegrean Fields starts from Pozzuoli, a small town not far from Naples of great historical and cultural importance. There are many monuments that describe all the historical evolution of the city: the Rione Terra, the Flavian Amphitheater, dating back to the first century BC, the Stadium of Antonino Pio, and many other remains of the Roman era. Sport and culture, the perfect mix for all cyclists who want to immerse themselves in the millennial history of Pozzuoli. Admired the places of interest of Pozzuoli and crossed the promenade, the tour moves to the Monte Nuovo. A volcano formed in 1538 that hosts rich vegetation and plants typical of the Mediterranean. On Monte Nuovo there are routes to be covered by bicycle: easy paths, climbs, descents that reach the top. An effort repaid by the spectacular panorama that can be admired from the highest part of the mountain, from which you can admire Lake Lucrino and the whole coast of Puteolian.

The Archeological Underwater Park of Baia

The Archeological Underwater Park of Baia

The Underwater Archaeological Park of Baia is a marine protected area located north of the Gulf of Naples in the Phlegraean Fields. It is also known as the 'sunken Pompeii', due to the Roman remains below sea level.

The entire coastline to the west of Naples was a popular destination for spa and bathing holidays in Roman times. The remains of the commercial ports of Baia (Lacus Baianus), Portus Julius and, further north, the port of Capo Miseno, the historic seat of the Roman imperial fleet, lie submerged on this coast.

On the same coast, the remains of imperial villas have been found: the Villa with the Prothyrus entrance, the Villa Pisoni, the Imperial Palace of Emperor Claudius, and the Baths of Lacus, which make these waters unique worldwide. 

It is possible to see these remains at a depth of only five metres by scuba diving or snorkeling and thus enjoy a spectacle that is unique in the world: the remains of marble, frescoes and splendid black and white polychrome mosaics, with geometric figures, sea animals, wrestlers and ornamentation.

In addition to the famous villa with the Prothyrum entrance, with its black and white pelte mosaic, we can also admire the Nymphaeum of Emperor Claudius, a rectangular building clearly visible underwater. You can see other polychrome mosaics and marble floors near the Terme del Lacus, a thermal complex: it is pure amazement when you see these rare beauties underwater. 

Add to this the Villa Pisoni and the Portus Julius. There is an ancient discovery waiting for you underwater!

Visit Italy has chosen Centro Sub Campi Flegrei for you, which has specialised for years in these diving experiences to discover the beauty of the Baia Underwater Park, suitable for both experienced divers and beginners.

The Ninfeo

The Ninfeo

Diving: unforgettable dives with the Campi Flegrei Diving Center

Diving: unforgettable dives with the Campi Flegrei Diving Center

From dry land to the sea of the gods. This is what a holiday in the Campi Flegrei is all about. Beneath the surface of the water, the Phlegraean Sea hides a world waiting to be discovered. With archaeological finds, fauna and flora, a swim in the depths of the Phlegraean Fields is an unforgettable event. This sea hides one of the greatest treasures of southern Italy: the Archeological Underwater Park of Baia with the Villa with Prothyrus entrance, the statues of the Nymphaeum of Claudius, the thermal baths of Lacus and the crater of the submerged volcano at Secca delle Fumose .

These are just some of the sites you can visit with guided dives by the Campi Flegrei Diving Centre. A diving centre that has been operating since 1992 throughout the Phlegraean area and beyond. The diving centre is located in Pozzuoli, Lucrino locality, within the Archaeological Underwater Park of Baia area. The centre offers a large number of services, including: diving courses for those who are less accustomed to the depths, underwater tourism that allows you to visit unimaginable places, and equipment hire, which is essential for tackling any adventure.

If you don't have experience, there's no problem: snorkeling and DSD (Discover Scuba Diving) are also available, the so-called baptism of the sea for those who want to discover the underwater world and its wonders. Snorkeling is an excursion that takes place in the sea and allows you to observe the seabed of the Underwater Archaeological Park of Baia. Snorkelling equipment consists of a mask, fins and snorkel. The snorkel allows you to breathe without having to lift your head, while the fins help you swim with minimal effort, making the action more effective. Everyone can enjoy this aquatic discipline, from the oldest to the youngest. DSD (Discover Scuba Diving) is an experience that allows those who have never taken a diving course to try scuba diving with an air-breathing apparatus at shallow depths accompanied by an instructor.

This is a tourist programme that allows even beginners in diving to try scuba diving with a shallow air rebreather accompanied by an instructor. This is a dive that you can do in one of the Baia Underwater Archaeological Park sites, given the shallow depth of the seabed between 3 and 6 m.

You don't need any equipment, the centre will provide you with everything you need to enjoy your experience. The diving centre was a PADI AWARD WINNER in 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2018, making it one of the top PADI diving centres in ITALY.

The depths of the Phlegrean sea are home to exclusive worlds, and relying on the Campi Flegrei Diving Centre is the best way to admire them.


Centro Sub Campi Flegrei

Where to stay in Campi Flegrei

Where to stay in Campi Flegrei

To enjoy all these opportunities for an active holiday in Campi Flegrei, the ideal is to spend a week or a long week or even more days, considering that Campi Flegrei are well connected to the whole Campania region: Ischia, Capri, Procida, Naples, Caserta, Pompeii are all nearby, with a distance from 30 minutes to 1 hour and a half at most.

Visit Italy recommends a cosy hotel near the sea and also very close to the diving centre. This is the Villa Luisa Resort: a hotel with 37 rooms, including hotels and flats. In this hotel, you can relax in a wonderful wellness centre at the end of your active days: Villa Luisa is the ideal accommodation for those who travel for business, sport or want to visit the beauties of Campania, without renouncing to quietness and relax.
One of Villa Luisa's most appreciated services for lovers of active holidays is the bike rental: you can leave comfortably from the hotel for fantastic bike tours in Campi Flegrei!


Campi Flegrei Active

Campi Flegrei Active

The Campi Flegrei are a land scattered with beauty, historical and archaeological evidence; it is a world unicum, the paradigm of "great beauty", with lakes, hills, terrestrial and submerged archaeology, volcanoes, historical evidence, breathtaking landscapes and nature trails. Among myths and legends in our land you can breathe culture and art.

If you would like to visit Campi Flegrei and get advice on all the experiences and sports and other activities you can do in the area, contact Campi Flegrei Active and Federalberghi Campi Flegrei. 

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