Are you looking for locations and experiences to enjoy autumnal weekends? Check out 10 of the best places to visit in Italy in October and November!

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Here we are: the summer is now over, it's time to go back to work and study at full capacity, leaving behind in sighs memories from the carefree moments of the holidays - in particular that fantastic trip that you organized thanks to the suggestions from Visit Italy, right?

Well, who said that you can't enjoy some nice trips in autumn? Today, with this special appointment with the Hidden Gems Autumn Edition, we want to accompany you in discovering the best places to visit in Italy in October and November, perhaps to experience an alternative and unique weekend. Let's go right now!

Best places to visit in Italy in October and November: check out our experiences

Best places to visit in Italy in October and November

In this article we have collected for you 10 beautiful destinations throughout Italy: evocative places endowed with a particular charm, places made even more special by the autumnal atmosphere with its colours, its scents and its experiences.

Can't wait to find out what are the best places to visit in Italy in October and November we have selected for you? Here is our review from North to South crossing the Bel Paese, enjoy reading!

10. Best places to visit in Italy in October and November: a frescoed castle

Best places to visit in Italy in October and November: Manta

Our journey among the best places to visit in Italy in October and November starts from Manta, or La Manta, a small village in the province of Cuneo in Piedmont.

It can be easily reached from Cuneo by driving North along the SP589, towards Saluzzo; or, starting from Turin, it is ideal to get to Carignano by following South the SP20/SR20, then continuing on the SP663 and finally the SP589 towards South.

We recommend you to arrange a trip to this gem immersed in the green hills of Langhe to visit a truly surprising attraction. Which one? Castello della Manta (Manta Castle), an ancient and luxurious court endowed with a truly exceptional panorama not only outside, but... also inside! In fact, inside the castle you can visit suggestive spaces decorated with many beautiful frescoes picturing images and characters of religious, historical and mythological inspiration: a real artistic explosion to best enjoy your trip to the castle!

Book your visit to Castello della Manta

9. A protected forest just outside Milan

It cannot be autumn without visiting a beautiful nature reserve, perhaps to admire the foliage that gradually takes shape over the trees or to practice birdwatching and admire the passage of birds which, in this time of the year, migrate towards destinations with a warmer climate.

So, our journey continues by moving to Lombardy, precisely to Vanzago near Milan, a destination easily reachable starting from the Lombardy capital by taking the SS33 towards Rho and then continuing on the SP229.

In this village there is a truly fantastic attraction: the Bosco di Vanzago (Vanzago Forest), a protected natural area managed by the WWF, an environment where nature finally recovers its spaces together with all its beauties, offering visitors a real oasis where you can disconnect for a while from the frenzy of the metropolis and find serenity in harmony with the fauna and flora that have made their home here. This autumn come discovering Vanzago and its beautiful forest!

Enjoy a guided tour to the WWF's Vanzago Forest

8. The town of the Prancing Horse

As a third stage, the time has come to speed discovering an iconic town in Emilia-Romagna, in the province of Modena and not far from Bologna as well: we are talking about none other than Maranello, the city of the Prancing Horse, home of the famous Ferrari automotive company.

To reach it from Modena you can drive to Sassuolo along the SS724, then continuing on the SP467 getting to the entrance of the city where the Ferrari horse will welcome you. Starting from Bologna, instead, after taking the SS9 from Porta San Felice and then Viale Pertini, just continue on the SP569 following road signs up to Maranello.

Autumn is the ideal season to enjoy your visit to this radiant Emilian city, discovering its historic center and its attractions, perhaps also enjoying some of the specialties of the regional cuisine, much loved throughout Italy. But above all, don't miss the opportunity to take a leap into history at the Ferrari Museum to discover the most famous Italian sports and luxury cars in the world!

Find out the history of Ferrari Museum in Maranello

7. Strolling around arts, villages and vineyards

Best places to visit in Italy in October and November: Castelnuovo Berardenga

Here we are finally arriving in a sensational setting, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and evocative Italian landscapes in the autumnal season: we are in Tuscany, in the Chianti region, discovering the wonders of Castelnuovo Berardenga, a fantastic village rich in history that certainly could not be missed among the most beautiful places to visit in autumn in Italy.

The town is located in the heart of Tuscany, at easy reach from Siena by driving on the SS715 and then the SP7 and SP484, or from Arezzo by following the SS73 and then continuing on the SP484.

Here, more precisely in the hamlet of Pievasciata, between a walk through the splendid vineyards of the territory and a sip of delicious Tuscan wine, you will also be able to live an incredibly evocative experience in a truly particular park where art is the protagonist: it is the Parco delle Sculture del Chianti (Chianti Sculptures Park), a multi-sensory artistic journey in the open air among the sculptures of national and international artists! A special touch for an autumn trip to Chianti!

Discover Chianti Sculptures Park

6. A fascinating castle and a beach

Even though it's autumn, who said you can't go to the beach anymore? Italy, with its mild climate often kissed by sunlight even in the coldest seasons, offers tourists the opportunity to appreciate the local beaches even when summertime is over, for a definitely different and alternative experience.

We are in Santa Marinella, a coastal town right close to Rome and easily reachable from the capital driving through the A12 highway heading North to Civitavecchia.

Here there is a breathtaking attraction: Castello di Santa Severa (Castle of Santa Severa), a majestic renaissance building that dominates the landscape of the town’s beach, giving the sensation of traveling back in time for a journey to distant ages - not surprisingly, this beautiful location was chosen for various film productions among which the TV series Medici stands out. Discover the castle with us!

Visit the Castle of Santa Severa

5. An exclusive picnic from land to sea

Best places to visit in Italy in October and November: Roseto degli Abruzzi

Moving to the other side of the peninsula, on the Adriatic coast of Abruzzo, there is a radiant town that offers tourists everything among sea, beaches, good weather and a beautiful hinterland to discover: here we are in Roseto degli Abruzzi.

From Pescara it is possible to easily reach Roseto by driving North on the SS16; instead, starting from Teramo, the provincial capital, you must follow the Teramo Mare highway, then continue on the SP22e, SP19 and SP20, finally getting to the city by driving for a short time on the SS16.

We know that autumn often rhymes with wine, but also with trips out of town to discover beautiful and evocative natural landscapes in search of a day of relaxation, carefreeness and good humor. What could be better, then, than a real country picnic, to enjoy as a couple, in a fantastic olive tree grove at one of the most famous and historic wineries in the region? Don’t miss this opportunity for a tasty weekend, perhaps in the company of your sweetheart!

Book now your picnic at Cantina Mazzarosa

4. A stunning abbey in the heart of Salento

We now land further South, in the Heel of Italy, to discover a real gem that cannot be missing among the best places to visit in Italy in October and November: the wonderful Santa Maria di Cerrate Abbey.

We are in Salento, just North of Lecce near the towns of Squinzano and Casalabate. Reaching this fascinating monastery is simple: starting from the most beautiful artistic city in Apulia with its unmistakable baroque style, drive North on the SS613 up to Squinzano and then continue on the SP100.

In a suggestive rural landscape that seems to be immune to the effects of autumn and the approaching cold season, where the green of the countryside and olive tree groves mixes with the golden yellow of the Salento’s sun and the blue of the sea, stands this splendid and peaceful abbey: a true jewel of history and beauty waiting to be discovered, admiring its architecture and the fantastic frescoes on the inside.

Visit Santa Maria di Cerrate Abbey near Lecce

3. Flying by zipline over Cilento

Best places to visit in Italy in October and November: Trentinara

Did you know that we human beings can also fly and admire wonderful and exclusive views from above? Okay, evolution has probably not yet granted us this luxury which is the prerogative of birds, but... there is a magical place where it is possible to live an extraordinary experience that will give you the sensation of touching the sky with a finger, making your eyes in awe with the stunning view.

We are in Campania, in the lush nature of Cilento, in the magical village of Trentinara. To reach it from Salerno it's necessary to drive on the A2 highway up to Battipaglia, then continuing South on the SS18 and then SP168 and SP13a.

Trentinara is also known as the terrace of Cilento, enjoying from its height (about 600 meters above sea level) a wonderful view that ranges from the Amalfi Coast to Paestum, from the Gulf of Salerno to even the island of Capri. But we were just talking about the possibility of flying, right? Well, in this magnificent village you can do it: join a fantastic experience with Cilento in Volo zipline and enjoy the magic of the autumn panorama from a privileged view!

Fly over Cilento with the zipline in Trentinara

2. Face to face with Giants

Forests are among the most magical places par excellence, environments where nature reigns as an undisputed force, offering us humans a real oasis to get away from the confusion of the cities and the stress of modernity. And almost everytime, as expected, in the presence of nature we rediscover ourselves as tiny as we are - especially if real giants stand in front of us.

We are in Spezzano della Sila, in Calabria, a charming mountain village surrounded by nature, reachable in less than half an hour along the SS107 Silana Crotonese starting from Cosenza, which leads the way to discovering a true wonder of nature: the forest of Giants of Sila in the namesake national park.

These trees, real giants over 350 years old even more than 40 meters tall and up to 2 meters wide at the roots, are an exceptional attraction for lovers of hiking in the most vibrant nature. Enjoy a fantastic guided tour along the paths in the fabulous autumn atmosphere admiring the magnificence of these trees, the lords of this region.

Discover Sila Park and meet its Giants

1. Climbing upon Etna

Best places to visit in Italy in October and November: Nicolosi

Let’s get to the end of our journey discovering the best places to visit in Italy in October and November by going to none other than the foot of Etna: here we are in Nicolosi, in Sicily, a town at right before the famous volcano that can be easily reached starting from Catania by driving along the SP10 towards the north.

The magical autumn atmosphere, in particular the mix of colors of the natural landscape and that little thrill given by the climate starting to cool more and more, is capable of making the panorama of the Etna park even more fascinating and evocative. So, why not treat yourself to some nice hiking to discover the top of the highest active volcano in Europe and its natural wonders?

Also, don’t miss the opportunity to visit this magnificent village which has always preserved the wild nature of the volcano: a true cradle of Sicilian nature where you can discover stories and traditions and try some local specialties such as Immanu black bread (rye based-bread) or the delicious biscuits called rame di Napoli made with cocoa, dark chocolate icing and spices, typically of autumn time.

Experience your own adventure hiking upon Etna

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