Today we take you to Bari Vecchia, the heart of the historical center of the Apulian city.

Bari Vecchia (Old Bari) is the first stage that every traveler would see in Bari. A day it’s not enough to visit it. You must have time to enjoy a travel in the time! But despite the metropolitan legend that you have heard, the curious is bigger. ‘Yes,I must see it’ also if the woman that you had meet to the baker say that you mustn’t go there specially in the night. When you pass the invisible border, when you pass the door a dreamy memory emerges in the mind of the traveler that take him in an Arab casbah or in the magnificent Greece. White walls, narrow vehicles,white or black stone slab floors, an intricate maze. 0
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Bari Vecchia: Basilica of San Nicola

Bari Vecchia, Basilica of San Nicola
Excels the Basilica of San Nicola, there motion less,like a big tend, when you enter you get the impression of being sucked into another time, more you step on that floor and more you come in the church below more you feel every peoples that have passed form Bari and that have left their footprint also trough the religiosity . 0

The cathedral of San Sabino in Bari Vecchia: the bell tower, the crypt and the magic of light

But the travel in the time continue! When you exit from the Basilica you have more desire to explore the most hidden corners of the little city. One enters remains emraptured in front of the embroideries of the cathedral of San Sabino and its bell tower,you will fell its is touched by the grandeur of the whole complex and dazzled by the white of the stone it is made of, the embroideries in the walls,around the big window and the arcades look like embroidered. Entering you will reamin basid for the beatifull decoration of the ceiling, and for the varius culumn of the crypt below. A real archaeological site! There is a magic that happens in this place at the summer solstice: a game of lights. The light of the sun that enter from the rose window of the facade of the nave meets with the rose window drawn on the ground in corny of the altar. A miracle? 0

Finally, Castello Svevo and the walls of Bari

Castello Svevo
Going out, another two steps and here is the Castello Svevo preserved in the mighty ramparts. In fact, once time Bari was surrounded from walls, like all mediaeval city, which then knocked down, except a little piece of which the Castello Svevo is part.... 0

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