A trip to Rome is definitely an experience not to be missed for lovers of Art and History. But the number of its prestigious monuments is so high that it would not take weeks to devote all the deserved attention to it. We then took the liberty of building a small itinerary for you that will allow you to taste its main attractions, while still leaving you satisfied. And since time is running out, you will have a precious ally with you. But this you will only find out at the end ...
10. Piazza di Spagna: a dream scenario

Our tour in Rome starts from the splendid Piazza di Spagna, one of the most emblematic places in the Eternal City, the setting for many cinematographic masterpieces. The square, which owes its name to the presence of the prestigious Spanish embassy, is framed by the elegant staircase of Trinità dei Monti (also known as Spanish Steps) and further enhanced by the Barcaccia fountain created by Bernini's baroque genius. But now follow us, and let's walk along Via del Tritone and via della Stamperia to live together the second adventure of our trip ...
❯9. The Trevi Fountain: the symbol of the Dolce Vita

Thus we come to the second stage of our tour, Piazza di Trevi, to admire the homonymous fountain, a late Baroque masterpiece created by Nicola Salvi and Giuseppe Pannini between 1732 and 1762, an unforgettable setting for the famous film by Federico Fellini, La dolce vita. Here you will have to participate in the famous rite of throwing the coin, which will allow you to fulfill your every desire, including that of being able to return to the Eternal City again. But now let's walk towards via dei Lucchesi for our next station...
❯8. Piazza Venezia: at the foot of the Altare della Patria

This brings us to Piazza Venezia, at the foot of the Campidoglio, a square sadly famous for the speeches delivered by Benito Mussolini during the Fascist period, from the balcony of the homonymous palace. The oceanic gatherings of that time were replaced by the large masses of tourists contemplating the main monument in the square: the Altare della Patria designed by Giuseppe Sacconi, a magnificent reinterpretation of classical architecture. After contemplating the magnificent monument dedicated to Vittorio Emanuele II, it will take you a few minutes to reach the next and exciting stage ...
❯7. The Imperial Forums and the Colosseum: walking around Ancient Rome

Thus we arrive in the heart of Ancient Rome, that is, the Imperial Forums. A place where you can fully relive the mythical atmosphere of those centuries, walking "with your imagination" alongside Roman gladiators and emperors. Obviously, your attention will be captured by the most famous monuments such as the Arch of Titus and the Arch of Constantine but above all by the Flavian Amphitheater, better known as the Colosseum, the most famous monument in the world. So are you ready to face the angry beasts and the mad crowd? Please, try to survive, because the journey still continues...
❯6. The Pantheon: from Agrippa to Raffaello Sanzio

And now, in Piazza della Rotonda, another extraordinary monument awaits you: the Pantheon. Founded in 27 BC by Marco Vipsanio Agrippa, son-in-law of Augustus, the Pantheon was conceived as a temple dedicated to "all divinities". Reconstructed by the emperor Hadrian after a series of disastrous fires, the famous sanctuary was the model, for its characteristic architecture, for many "monuments of the future". Transformed into a Christian basilica with the name of Santa Maria della Rotonda, the Pantheon houses the tomb of one of the greatest artists in history: Raffaello Sanzio. And after a well-deserved moment of admiration and emotion, put the handkerchiefs back in, start again ...
❯5. Piazza Navona: in the shadow of Bernini and Borromini

4. Borghese Gallery: the temple of Art and Culture

This brings us to Piazzale Scipione Borghese to visit the Borghese Gallery, the undisputed temple of Art and Culture. Housed inside the Villa Borghese outside Porta Pinciana, built at the beginning of the 17th century, the museum is linked to the figure of Scipione Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V. His rich collection of works of art forms the founding core of the institution. Caravaggio, Tiziano, Bernini, these are just some of the famous names that will accompany you on your visit, delighting you with their immortal masterpieces. But don't get too tired, the last three stages await you...
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Discover Galleria Borghese❯3. The Capitolium: the strength of the ancient and the genius of Michelangelo

We move again to reach the Campidoglio, one of the seven hills of Rome. Thanks to Michelangelo's infinite genius, the place has undergone various changes until it takes on its current appearance. After the beautiful staircase that runs alongside the church of Santa Maria Aracoeli, where the ancient Tabularium used to be in Roman times. You reach the square dominated by the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius and beautifully framed by three palaces: the Palazzo Senatorio, the Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, the latter two being the headquarters of the Capitoline Museums. Here you can admire the great masterpieces of classical sculpture, such as the Spinario and the Galata Morente and many other works. But save some energy, the journey is not over yet...
❯2. St. Peter's Basilica, lighthouse of Christianity

Your journey can only end in the absolute center of art and Christianity, Vatican City. Crossing the Tiber and going along via della Conciliazione, the wonderful Piazza San Pietro will appear in front of you. You will admire the colonnade built by Bernini for Pope Chigi, and the famous Cupolone designed by the great Michelangelo, of which you can also contemplate the famous Pietà, located at inside the Basilica. Here, moreover, you can admire the tombs of the most influential popes, the famous cruise with Bernini's Baldacchino and the splendid bronze chair, still the work of Gianlorenzo. And then, last but not least, in the Vatican Grottoes, the tomb of the apostle Peter. But if you want to end your tour really well, only one last step is waiting for you...
❯1. The Vatican Museums: the Navel of the World

So here we are at the Vatican Museums, the cradle of civilization, the authentic "navel of the world". A whole life would not be enough to enjoy all the beauties kept here. But not to be missed are the Sistine Chapel, where Michelangelo's genius was celebrated with his greatest masterpieces and the Vatican Rooms, where another great architect and painter, Raphael, exalted his name and that of his patrons. And then Caravaggio, the sculptures of ancient art and, last but not least, Vincent Van Gogh. With the moving Pietà of the great Dutchman, we say goodbye here, "the last masterpiece of Rome"!