A program celebrating Italian businesses that are committed to sustainability and development of territories: here's 'Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza'.

 'Ambasciatrice dell’Eccellenza' is the innovative program by Visit Italy, that celebrates and enhances the local economic fabric. In a context where SMEs emerge as pillars of sustainability and social responsibility, this initiative aims to highlight the extraordinary commitment of these businesses towards sustainable growth and the well-being of the communities in which they operate.

A journey through the tangible contribution of Italian companies to job creation, territorial development and the promotion of ethical values, all encapsulated in a programme that recognises entrepreneurial excellence not only in terms of commercial success but also in terms of positive impact on society and the environment.

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What Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza is?

Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza program for entreprises

The 'Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza' program represents a significant step in the approach towards enhancing Italian SMEs. At the heart of this initiative is the recognition of SMEs that thrive commercially and stand out for their tangible and positive impact on local communities. This program is more than just praise for economic performance; it is about celebrating companies embodying the values of sustainability and social responsibility.

The 'Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza' program aims to highlight those businesses that go beyond mere profit, embracing a holistic approach that considers the impact of their activities on the environment, people, and the social fabric. This is an opportunity to highlight the extraordinary contribution of these companies to sustainable growth and the well-being of local communities. At a time when more and more people and companies are questioning the role of entrepreneurship in shaping a better future, the 'Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza' program stands as a beacon, illuminating the path of SMEs that stand out for their ethical and social commitment.

What is the role of Small and medium-sized enterprises in Italian economy?

Small and Medium Enterprises in Italy

Small and medium-sized enterprises play a vital role in the Italian economic ecosystem, acting as catalysts for the growth and prosperity of local communities. These enterprises, with their agility and flexibility, represent the real engine of innovation and employment in the economic fabric of the country. In addition to providing employment opportunities for a large segment of the population, SMEs make a tangible contribution to socio-economic development, creating added value and stimulating interaction between different sectors of the economy. Their presence on the territory not only ensures the vitality of surrounding areas but also fosters social cohesion and a sense of community.

Importantly, their impact is not limited to the economic dimension; SMEs often act as engines of social change, promoting diversity, inclusion and solidarity within their local networks. Moreover, through corporate social responsibility initiatives and investments in environmental sustainability projects, many of these companies demonstrate a concrete commitment to the well-being of future generations and the preservation of the environment. Therefore, the 'Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza' program not only celebrates the economic success of SMEs but also recognizes their crucial role in shaping a more equitable, sustainable and inclusive future for Italy.

How do you participate in the Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza program?

How do you participate in the Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza program?

Participating in the 'Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza' program is an opportunity open to all Italian SMEs willing to share their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. The procedure is designed to be accessible and user-friendly: interested SMEs can simply fill in an application form available on the official Visit Italy website. Once the form is submitted, Visit Italy's dedicated team will take care of the rest, contacting the companies directly to provide further details on the procedure and accompanying them along the path to joining the program.

Being part of the Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza offers a wide range of benefits and opportunities for the companies involved. In addition to official recognition of their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, SMEs will receive an exclusive distinctive label that they can use in their communication and promotion activities. This not only gives them a touch of prestige but also serves as a tangible seal of their commitment to excellence and sustainable progress. In addition, companies will have the opportunity to share their success stories and inspire others to follow their example, thus helping to spread a business culture focused on sustainability and business ethics.

Through this program, the vital contribution of Italian businesses to the progress of their communities and the country's sustainable economy is highlighted, providing them with a platform to share their stories, inspire others and shape a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Find out how to participate in Ambasciatrice dell'Eccellenza Program

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