Città della Pieve is an enchanting little medieval town with a rich historical, cultural and artistic heritage and centuries old craftsmanship tradition. This suggestive town is situated in the region Umbria. This region is also known to be the “green heart of Italy”. In Città della Pieve tradition is still alive today and renewing itself as evidenced by a rich artistic and craft production.

Città della Pieve: a precious in the heart of Umbria

Città della Pieve is an enchanting little medieval town with a rich historical, cultural and artistic heritage and centuries old craftsmanship tradition. This suggestive town is situated in the province of Perugia in the region Umbria. This region is also known to be the “green heart of Italy”. The natural environment in Città della Pieve is in harmony with the medieval characteristics of the place. Here tradition is still alive today, constantly renewing itself, as evidenced by a rich artistic and craft production.
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Geography of Città della Pieve

Città della Pieve geography
Surrounded by nature, Città della Pieve is located on a hill overlooking Valdichiana and Lake Trasimeno, on the border with Toscana. The little town offers a magnificent and wide view which is among the most beautiful in the Central Italy. From the north, the landscape overlooks the hills around Lake Trasimeno, the Valdichiana and the Pratomagno; from the south, you can see Mount Cimino; from the southeast, you can admire the Sibillini Mountains and Mount Peglia; from east, the view overlooks Montarale, Mount Subasio and the Nestore Valley which is formed by the Nestore River that runs through town for two kilometres; from west, you can see Mount Amiata and Mount Cetona.

History of Città della Pieve

Città della Pieve has an Etruscan origin; then it became an important Roman centre. The origins of the inhabited center date back to the 7th century. The town became the “Castrum Plebis”, built around a “Pieve” (a church) in honor of Saints Gervasio and Protasio.
In 1188 the town come under the dominion of Perugia, for a long time. From 1228 to 1250 Città della Pieve experienced a period of independence thanks to Emperor Federico II di Svevia: the Free Commune was established. The town planning was set out as wee see it today.
In 1600, following a period of political and military instability, Città della Pieve came under the Papal States and became an important administrative and religious centre.
The town remained under the dominion of the Church (except Napoleonic period) until 1860.

Art and feature of Città della Pieve

Città della Pieve art

The historical centre still maintains the original medieval town-planning. In addition, there are Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassic architectural elements: it shows a great artistic vitality of the town.
Among the most important monuments, there are the Cathedral of Saints Gervasio and Protasio (Duomo), which houses works by two famous painters from Città della Pieve (“Il Perugino” and “Il Pomarancio”) and the Oratory of Santa Maria dei Bianchi that exhibits the Adorazione dei Magi (by Il Perugino).
Also interesting to visit are the Torre Civica (12th century), the Torre del Vescovo (a watchtower by the architects Ambrogio and Lorenzo Maitani in 1326), Palazzo della Corgna (by the architect Galeazzo Alessi in the 16th century), home to the public library and exhibition space, Palazzo Bandini (16th century) and Palazzo Baglioni (18th century).
Outside the city walls is the Church of Santa Maria dei Servi.
The streets in the historical centre (“Vicoli”) are very fascinating and attract many tourists. The most particular street is Vicolo Baciadonne, considered one of the most narrow street in Italy and Europe. Its width ranges from 50 to 70 cm: here visitors walk in single file!

Traditions and craftsmanship of Città della Pieve

Città della Pieve is full of history, culture, art and traditions that links the past and the present.
This little town has a unique feature: it’s a red brick city. Over the centuries, the inhabitants have specialized in the production of red brick that characterize the houses, the facades and flooring of the city.
The craftmanship is also noted for embroidery, lace and crochet lace.
Città della Pieve is also famous for the production of a high quality of saffron: every year there is the event “Zafferiamo”. There are many uses for the saffron: it’s used in cooking, in painting, in cosmetics and in the textile.
The Umbrian town also boasts a fine wine and oil production.
In August, the medieval past is recalled during the Palio dei Terzieri: the little town comes alive with colours and pennants; the workshops of artisans and artists are open, as well as old taverns. Many people parade along the streets wearing historical costumes representing knights, ladies and commoners.
During Easter holiday, the inhabitants organize the Mostra Mercato (an exhibition and a market): here there are typical products of agriculture, gastronomy and craftmanship of Città della Pieve.

Art'igianando: art and handicraft creations by Giorgio Bronco

Città della Pieve handicraft

“You, o Substance, concealing the secrets of the world, carry on hiding them thus well so that I can keep seeking them inside you” (Giorgio Bronco)

Art’igianando is a model of a great artistic and artisanal expression in Città della Pieve. The owner of Art’igianando is Giorgio Bronco, artist and artisan who combines medieval origins of his town with his love for nature, through continuous experimentation and the use of various materials, such as wood and stone.
In fact, the artisan Bronco shapes the material, expressing his soul through a form long lasting. In is hands iron is made malleable, symbol of culture, civilization and research.
From the small object to the large gate: his fine handiworks can be admired in his workshop and inside some historical medieval buildings in Città della Pieve. These works represent the tradition which lives and renews itself.
The Bronco artist’s works are characterized by artistic and social content. The sculpture of Bronco is based on the manipulation of iron: this makes the material exceptionally light. Slender figures defying gravity to sway elusively in the air and to the sky, to find harmony with oneself and with earthly world.
Giorgio Bronco realizes exhibitions that displayes his fine works.
His works are in private collections as Italy and abroad.

Do not absolutely miss a visit to Art’igianando to admire the splendid artworks and artisanal creations by Giorgio Bronco!

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