"It's passion that makes things right... I know how to do very few things well in my life, but I do those few things with passion, with the conviction of being the best".

These are the words of Luigi, one of Michele Condurro's sons, from whom the Antica Pizzeria Da Michele takes its name. And apparently there is a lot of passion if the historic Neapolitan pizzeria has managed to conquer the world by making itself known as the temple of sacred pizza. Let's find out more about the evolution of the historic Neapolitan pizzeria.
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How the Antica Pizzeria Da Michele was born

How the Antica Pizzeria Da Michele was born
Once upon a time there was and still is in Forcella, in the heart of Naples, the Pizzeria Da Michele, one of the oldest and most famous in the world. The history of the pizzeria has its origins in a centuries-old tradition that has been renewed since 1870. At that time, the actual headquarters were in Via Egiziaca in Forcella, a few steps from the current one in Via Cesare Sersale, and it was possible to taste all kinds of pizzas. With the arrival of the Second World War, to meet the poverty of citizens, it was decided to offer only the classic pizzas par excellence: Margherita and Marinara. Since then, this has never changed and still represents one of the characteristic elements of the pizzeria. Despite, or perhaps thanks to the simplicity of the menu, the Antica Pizzeria Da Michele has seen a timeless success. Since its opening, in fact, the pizzeria has never stopped baking and the hundreds of people who every day wait outside the restaurant anxiously to be able to enjoy the best pizza in the world, are proof of this.

Expansion: Michele in the world

Today, the brand boasts restaurants in every corner of the world: starting from Naples, Rome, Florence, Verona and Milan, in Italy, restaurants have also been opened in London, Barcelona, Tokyo, Fukoka, Los Angeles and Dubai. Each of these pizzerias is inspired by the same values of 150 years ago and regularly receives the irreplaceable basic ingredients that distinguish the unmistakable flavor of Neapolitan pizza. To meet the tastes of such a diverse clientele, Michele in the world (this is the brand name for the ambitious project) has also made a few small variations to the menu according to the various countries. For example, in Japan you can enjoy your pizza while sipping some sake, while in London you can also choose to order a hot drink such as tea or coffee.

Upcoming openings

On the occasion of the last and very recent opening of the Antica Pizzeria Da Michele in Bologna, Alessandro Condurro, managing director of Michele in the World, said: "We are very satisfied with this opening in Bologna, which represents the twelfth pizzeria of the MITW group. This number is set to increase: by 31 December 2019 we will have fifteen locations". So the spread of the Neapolitan brand does not stop, quite the contrary. In fact, the opening of two other restaurantes is already planned: a new one (the third) in Japan, in Yokohama, announced for October 31 and a second one in London, in the Soho district, by the end of November.

Becoming ambassadors of tradition

But that's not all. Among the various openings of which it is worth telling there is one that deserves special attention: this time it is not a venue but the professional training course made available to the Antica Pizzeria da Michele in collaboration with C'è Form, for learning and perfecting the art of the pizza maker. The course includes 100 hours of classroom training plus a final stage lasting three months with the possibility of inclusion in the staff of pizzerias Michele in the world. A truly original initiative, which can be a great opportunity for training and a good starting point for many young people who will have the opportunity to learn from the best pizza makers in the world. To request more information about the course and how to participate, please refer to the website of the pizzeria with all the references to get in touch with the management: Go to the website of pizzeria Da Michele

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