The Palazzo dei Priori is the oldest palace of Fermo, a historical place that will amaze you by the charme of its inner rooms and works of art.

The Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo is the oldest palace in the city of Fermo. It was born by joining buildings that were existing and adjoining: in the year 1500 they made a Renaissance round front to join them all. To complete this work, they made a double staircase with a little loggia and the bronze statue of Pope Sisto V.

Find it out after sunset, when the lights on the palace and on the square intensify the charme of this historical place, making it more impressive.

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Structure of the Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo

Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo

It is a museum and it stands in Piazza del Popolo at Fermo. Its double staircase, which is the entrance, gives a great charme to the whole building. The Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo hosts, at the first floor, the Sala dell'Aquila, where the town Council meets. At the second floor you will find the Pinacoteca Civica e la Sala del Mappamondo, the public library seat.

It was built in the thirteenth century and for several years it was the prominent seat for the political life of the city. After the earthquake in 2016, it was renovated and secured. Today it hosts several rooms of great historical relevance.

Representation rooms in the Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo

At the first floor in the Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo, there are many representation rooms that you can visit directly from the entrance hall.

The Sala dei Ritratti is the biggest, on its walls thirty portraits are hanged. Among them, 9 are Cardinals from Fermo, 20 are important people and they are a gift from Cardinal Alessandro de Medici to Cardinal Domenico Pinelli.

In the Sala dei Costumi you can find clothes and period costumes. The Sala degli Stemmi is the hall to the Sala del Sindaco. In the middle of its vault you can easily see the town crest. The Sala del Sindaco is used to celebrate weddings and official services.

The Sala Gialla is decorated with valuable furniture which were given to town as a gift. The Sala dell’Aquila is the official seat for the city Council. The name comes from decorations in the room.

The ancient Spezioli Library in the Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo

The famous Mappamondo in the Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo

The ancient Biblioteca Spezioli approximately holds  16.000 books from XVI century. Most of them were a gift from the personal doctor of Queen Cristina of Sweden, Mr. Romolo Spezioli. The books stand in a walnut wood library; they are the perfect background for the great Mappamondo, that makes atmosphere particular and impressive. It was made by the map-maker Maroncelli in 1713. It is about two meters in diameter and it was made with a precise geographic description. It ha a great relevance in the Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo.

Pinacoteca civica

A detail of Palazzo dei Priori of Fermo

The Pinacoteca civica hosts many important works of art. Its path is divided in five rooms. Going through them, you will be able to see the Adorazione dei Pastori by Pietro Paolo Rubens, the Storie di Santa Lucia by Jacobello del Fiore and the Pentecoste di Giovanni Lanfranco.

It also presents a collection of paintings , made by authors from Marche and Veneto, handmade products on stone and historical finds. They are all part of the history of Fermo.

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