"Salone Internazionale del Mobile" (International Furniture Fair) is the reference event for the furniture and design sector at the international level.
Features and numbers of Salone del mobile Milano
Founded in 1961 to promote the export of Italian furniture and its complements, it takes place every year in April at the Milan Fairgrounds in Rho, together with other events all gathered under the name of Salone del Mobile. These events, some held annually and others biennially, are Euroluce, EuroCucina (joined by the side event FTK - Technology For the Kitchen), Salone Internazionale del Bagno (International Bathroom Exhibition), Salone Internazionale del Complemento d'Arredo (International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition) and Workplace3.0. Also of interest were S.Project (a space dedicated to design products and decorative and technical interior design solutions) and SaloneSatellite, a springboard for young designers to make themselves known to companies looking for new talent.
Here are the figures from the last edition: the 2019 Salone del Mobile closed at +12.5% with over 380,000 visitors from 188 countries, including many from Asia (especially China) and a good percentage from Russia, the USA and Brazil, as well as renewed interest from Germany and France. The Milan fairgrounds hosted, on a net area of about 210,000 square metres, more than 2,300 exhibiting companies of which one-third were foreign, 5,000 journalists and about 27,500 visitors over the weekend. The event confirms itself as a must for the sector, a business and meeting opportunity that every year sees the contribution of important international artists and designers. It is a fundamental event for the economy of Milan because the kermesse generates 120 million euros, plus another 250 million euros from induced revenues from hotels, restaurants and shops in the city.

The 2022 edition

The 2022 edition, the sixtieth, is scheduled from the 7th to the 12th June 2022.