The last DPCM: Museums closed throughout Italy
The last DPCM of 3 November, as we well know, divided Italy into red, orange and yellow zones.
In the light of recent movements to date this is the division:
Red zone: Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Calabria, autonomous province of Bolzano, Tuscany, Campania
Orange zone: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Sicilia Umbria
Yellow zone: Lazio, Molise, Autonomous Province of Trento, Sardinia, Veneto.
The regions located in the orange and red areas have been subjected to a lockdown regime for almost three weeks in a lighter version than at the national level this spring. Here you can find all the information about the rules to follow in the various areas of our country. In the yellow zone you can move freely respecting the national curfew scheduled for 22:00. Trips to and from a yellow-coloured region are also allowed to cross a different-coloured region to reach the region in question. After the closure of cinemas and theaters, at the end of October, the Government with the latest restrictive measures decided to close even Museums and Exhibitions at the national level without any differentiation of area. Only private art galleries in the yellow areas of our country remain open. With the hope that you can return soon to travel, living in our country discovering new magical places we recommend some museums visited from home.

Art in your home

A temporary solution to visit, from home, some of the Museums and Exhibitions of our country and not only can be to resort to a virtual tour. Many structures that have been organized to ensure the tourist a quality visit in connection with their home, we recommend some:
Uffizi: Ipervisione is the virtual tour project created by the Uffizzi Art Gallery in Florence. There are many personalized themed tours available to visit the magnificent rooms of the Uffizzi.Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museums; one of the most precious attractions of our country virtually opens its doors to tourists from all over the world offering 360 º tour. of the Sistine Chapel and the other charming rooms of the imposing Museum.Pinacoteca di Brera: the famous Pinacoteca in Milan, national gallery of ancient and modern art, offers the possibility to the most curious to visit directly from their home almost 700 works. The Egyptian Museum of Turin: the second most important museum in the world on the ancient Egyptian civilization offers the possibility to all fans to walk virtually among its halls full of stories.