Did you know that in Italy you can enjoy unforgettable virtual experiences? Where? Here are four innovative multimedia experiences from North to South Italy to feel involved at 360 degrees.
“Involvement”: this is the keyword for tourism at present and it will surely be the core of it in the future. How? Through digitalization, multimedia, technology, customer experience. Museums, cities, archaeological parks and places of art, in general, must be equipped with multimedia and digital experiences to attract an increasing public, to foster loyalty and above all to involve people. Admiring a painting or visiting an archaeological site is no longer enough: there is a need to feel involved and be at the centre of the experience.

Tourism 3.0 in Italy

Innovating the cultural field through the most advanced technologies means to integrate and renew the firsthand visit: not only the value of cultural heritage itself but also the value of experience are deepened by incorporating an increasingly diversified target of users. The most modern technologies improve the customer experience making it human centred, immersive, sensory and personal. Virtual tours, augmented reality, 3D viewers and touch screens are only some of the elements of a 3.0 tourist experience.
Europe is already moving toward this direction and Italy has been enchanted by this new frontier of tourism and knowledge too. Our magnificent peninsula has been experiencing for years events that develop the basic concept of tourism letting a now fully active user find what he really wishes. Tourism 3.0 keywords: thrilling storytelling, advanced technologies, interactivity and sharing.
Here are four innovative and multimedia experiences taking place all around Italy where you can feel involved at 360 degrees.
4. M9 Museum of the 20th century - Mestre (Venice)

Just selected as one of the five most important cultural hubs in the international scene by MQWien, M9 is a museum that goes beyond the classic definition of a museum institution by exploiting all the potential of the digital world and the interactivity. M9 is the largest multimedia space in Europe, created in order to tell Italian twentieth century at 360 degrees: its customs and traditions, innovation, politics, urban planning and much more. Eight thematic sections describe «the century that most contributed to create Italian current identity, in the belief that knowledge is the essential basis to plan both the individual and collective future ». The exhibition consists of various installations, immersive video projections to involve the viewers and technologies at different levels of interaction which are suitable for a heterogeneous audience. Visitors can customize their experience creating their own path in the museum and interacting as they prefer to achieve a wow effect that also imprints knowledge on their memory.
3. You are Leo - Milan

A 1.8 km tour, accompanied by expert guides and art historians, to observe, live and feel the city of Milan in a Renaissance atmosphere through the works of art of one of the most brilliant minds in the Italian heritage: Leonardo Da Vinci. There will be 5 stages linked to Leonardo’s experience in Milan: Piazza del Duomo, the court of the Royal Palace, the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Corso Magenta and finally Santa Maria delle Grazie, where you can admire the most famous Da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper” (Cenacolo Vinciano). You are Leo is the first street tour between reality and virtuality around Milan. The visitors at the center of a multi-sensory experience that will increase his understanding of the tour thanks to a special viewer that will animate the stages giving different feelings and emotions. According to the latest prime ministerial decree (settembre 2021), at the moment visits are suspended, but it is worth marking You are Leo in your agenda as one of the experiences to live as soon as possible.
2. MAV - Virtual Archaeological Museum - Ercolano

We now move to Campania, where a few steps from the ancient Ercolano (Herculaneum) you can find the Mav Museum, one of the first cultural hubs that has applied new technologies to the Cultural Heritage and keeps on updating constantly. There are over 70 installations: sophisticated holograms, latest-generation interfaces, virtual and augmented reality, 360° immersive room with multisensory effects and 3D virtual reconstructions that give life to the main archaeological areas in Campania showing the original aspect of the region until a moment before the famous eruption of 79 AD.
1. MIAC - Italian Museum of Moving Images and Cinema - Rome

Miac is a multimedia, interactive and immersive museum which describes the evolution of the cinema from its origins to the advent of television and new digital technologies. It was established at the end of 2019 in the Cinecittà Studios within a historic building used to preserve the films.
Interactive installations, video art and transmedia languages show an unparalleled heritage of unpublished photos and films from 120 years ago until today, obtained thanks to the funds of the Istituto Luce, the Teche Rai and other partners’ archives.
The twelve main areas present different themes: the relationship with power, the landscapes, the role of language, the soundtracks and much more. Installations with a high technological and emotional impact engage the visitor in an unforgettable experience. This starts with a Timeline, an animated graffito that retraces the main dates and events of the audiovisual field in Italy. Then it continues with an interactive table, an original 40 meters long reel that has carried right here the films for decades and today shows on large bright screens thoughts written by the visitors. Finally, there is the Caleidoscopio (Kaleidoscope), a room entirely covered with mirrors, without any dimensional references, where light trails interact with a video column for an experience to share and tell.